Foundation Giving

The Kent Family Foundation makes grants to individuals, 501(c)(3) organizations, nonprofit educational institutions and local, state and federal government entities to support causes and work aligned with our mission to be of assistance to those in need who are striving to make a meaningful difference.
Likely to Support: individuals with limited resources and clearly demonstrable need, historical societies with limited resources, professional development for individuals in small underfunded organizations, technology and facility upgrades for small schools and universities, HBCUs, and diversity inclusive minority focused programming
Unlikely to Support: individuals and organizations with financial resources (cannot demonstrate financial need/hardship), consultants, projects outside the mission of the Foundation
All grant requests must be submitted through our online application portal.
The Kent Family Foundation has directly awarded 19 four-year university scholarships to students, and financially supported 11 organizations and universities.
The Foundation awarded higher education and university facilities grants totaling $34,000,000.
The Foundation awarded 4 HBCU grants averaging $1,500,000 per grant.
The average individual award size was $19,486 yearly.
The Foundation provided 58 professional development grants averaging $5,000 per grant.
“For Health” Grants
Health-related grants tend to vary in size. To date, the Kent Family Foundation supported 19 individuals and organizations with an average grant size of $10,000.

Grant requests are reviewed by the Foundation Trustees with funding decisions typically made within six to eight weeks.
Regardless of outcome, all applicants will receive a response. Applications that are off-mission will be responded to immediately by Foundation staff and are not typically presented to the Trustees.